2023 Capricorn Horoscope: We are moving into an important time for Capricorns. In the first half of the year, you can invest in immovable property. The values of the properties you own may increase. If you plan to buy a new place, do it in the first half of the year. The second half will be more advantageous for sales. If you are orientated towards the stock market or other risky investment instruments, you can see significant increases in these this year. This year, you may experience some difficulties in matters related to travelling, education and abroad.
Until May 2023, Jupiter, the planet of luck, starts to support you in home, family and settlement. During this period, you can move to your own home and find the chance to spend more time at home. Some of you may receive support from your family. In this time interval, you may receive good news, especially if your family has a treatment process. If you are married, you may see an important leap in your spouse’s career. If you are single, you can also find supportive influences on relationships during this period. If you are planning to make a career change during this period, make good use of the offers that come your way. Some opportunities come so fast that you may be caught unprepared. If you have a plan to work from home, you can take the first steps for your own business.
You may experience a stressful period in business life until mid-January. In fact, this has been going on since last autumn. After January, you may see that this tension gradually decreases. Some of you may have to deal with health problems. You may experience positive developments in your treatment process in mid-January.
2023 Capricorn Horoscope
After March, you can start a long-term education. It may take up to 3 years to get the results of the steps you take in this process. However, do not leave your education unfinished and show the necessary patience and effort to complete it. You will see the advantages of this in the following period. During this period, there may be a problematic period in the lives of your siblings or cousins. You may have to support them during this period. Some of you may have to travel during this period due to work. However, it may not be possible to go on a journey just for fun. During this period, you may have to postpone your travel plans due to health or work. If you have a vehicle, you may have to deal with its constant breakdowns. Therefore, try to take permanent steps instead of temporary solutions.
After March, you will enter into an important financial transformation. In this process, you need to pay extra attention to legal issues. Be careful when taking risks, especially in your investments. In this process, do not go beyond the legal limits in matters such as taxes, insurance or loans. If you ignore possible risks, you may have to deal with bigger problems in the long run. Some of you may experience a financial leap in this period. The people you do business with may be very powerful and you may be subjected to intense pressure. In this period, protecting your income and using it to make the necessary transformations in your life will be the healthiest development of the process. However, if you try to cross legal or moral boundaries to earn money, you may have to face a great destruction.
How Capricorn will be affected by the 2023 eclipses
20 April, a new process begins in your life with the Solar Eclipse in Aries. If you have a plan to buy your own home, you can take the first steps in this process. Or you may need to change a place due to work. Some of you may move to a place where you lived before due to a job change. In this process, some of you may start working from home. There may be important decisions you need to take with your family. However, be aware that there may be some delays. You may have a waiting period to get the results of some of your applications.
5 May will be a lunar eclipse in Scorpio. Your relationships with your friends will be important during this eclipse. Some of you may change your environment. Some of your friends may move away from you because they change where they live. If there are people you have problems with, your bond with them may break. If you have made a business partnership with your friends in the past, you may need to make important decisions regarding this partnership in this period. If you have connections with associations or professional groups, you may decide to part ways during this eclipse.
Be ready for good developments regarding your children after May 2023 until the end of the year. You can witness good developments related to their education life. During this period, if they are older, they may decide to get married. If you do not have a child, you may have a new flirtation in this date range. Evaluate the partner candidates you come across well. This relationship can move to a more serious dimension in the coming years. If you are interested in an art or sport, you may decide to receive training in this field. Some of you may start doing this process more professionally in the future.
14 October Solar eclipse in Libra takes place on the GAD side. If you have a career change plan, you can take the first steps on this date. You can return to an old job. Or some of you may start working with your former managers again. Some of you can start a new career by completing your education. If you are working in a contracted job and you are not satisfied with your company, you can give up renewing your contract during this period. And you can start looking for a new job for yourself. If you are doing your own business, you may decide to terminate your contracts with some organisations from which you receive services during this period. If you are working in connection with abroad, when this date comes, the companies you work with may stop renewing their contracts. If you are working in a corporate organisation, your managers may change or they may make some important changes in your job description.
28 October will be a Lunar Eclipse in Taurus. If you had to stay away from your children for a while, now you can come together again. Those who are old enough can witness their children’s marriage decision. You may need to take care of them more during this period. You are likely to liaise more or support them. If you don’t have children and you are in a new relationship, you may take important decisions when this date comes. For some of you, this period may bring a confrontation about risky investments such as stock market. It may be a good idea to transfer your earnings to a safe area before this date arrives.
How Capricorn will be affected by the 2023 Venus Retrograde
Between 23 July and 4 September, Venus will move backwards in Leo. If you have some debts in taxes, insurance or loans, complete these payments before this date comes. If you have debts you have already given before or if you have payments you plan to take back, you can take them back during this period. It is a good time to settle past debts. However, taking a new loan may not be a good idea in this period, it may take longer than you expect to pay off the debt you have taken. Do not lend as much as possible during this period or give figures that you do not expect to be repaid. If you have a business partnership, financial issues may be a problem during this period. Your partner’s income may decrease during this period or payments may be delayed. For this reason, you need to manage your budget well in this date range.