2023 Gemini Horoscope: We are approaching an important period for Gemini signs. The support you receive from your friends is increasing. In your career life, you may need to take important responsibilities. There may be a compulsory career change. If the institution you work for is downsizing, you may need to change the sector in this process, and you may need to change your location due to your spouse’s job. In the second half of the year, you may experience a financially better process.
From the beginning of the year until May 2023, Jupiter, the planet of luck, gives full support to expand your network. Try to make good use of this period. You will start to see the results of the steps you take in this period more in 2024. Collaborations with your social circle may increase. Your active participation in associations, professional groups or organisations may increase. Don’t miss education or travelling opportunities. If you have been experiencing difficulties with your relationship for a while, you may have the opportunity to solve the problems in this period. Accept the support you can get.
Autumn 2022 may have been a bit tense. There may have been disagreements, especially about relationships. This will last until mid-January 2023. However, afterwards, you will witness that this stress gradually decreases. After March, the process is left behind. For marriages that started in 2015 – 2016, we can say that the test is just beginning. There will be a robustness test that will last about 2 years. Unsound unions may be shaken during this period. However, relationships that survive the test will have the opportunity to establish a stronger bond.
2023 Gemini Horoscope
After March, you will enter a period of increased responsibilities related to your career. There may be problems between you and your managers. You may have to work with a very disciplined manager. You may have to work longer hours than usual. Sometimes you may feel that the sacrifices you make are not seen. During this period, you may also find the work you have done so far meaningless and start to question it. It may push you to a career change. You may be confused about your goals in life. During this period, do not leave your old job without finding a new one. Your unemployment period may last long. If you have a plan to do your own business, make a business plan that you can finance yourself for at least 3 years. The year 2024 will actually be luckier for you. For this reason, you can think of 2023 more like a year of preparation.
After March, you can transition to an important process, especially in jobs connected with abroad. Be careful only in legal matters during this period. If you are working in a multinational company or doing business abroad, you can connect with important customers. If you are continuing your education life, you can enter a challenging process in this period, but then you will achieve success. This will be a very long-term transition. Take your time and think of the educational opportunities that come your way as a marathon. You will need to take slow but firm steps forward. Make good use of the mentors you encounter in educational opportunities. Stay away from mentors who will distract you from your goals and use you for their own interests. Some of you may have to be more involved with technology. Perhaps receiving education on a subject that is very foreign to you may change your outlook on life.
How Gemini will be affected by the 2023 eclipses
20 April Aries Solar eclipse starts a new process in your life. You can enter a new environment. Your social life can become active. During this period, you also need to make important decisions about relationships. Do not hesitate to ask for support from your friends in this process, as it will be a year when you will receive support from your environment. You can make important decisions for your future plans. You may also be affected by the changes in your friends’ lives. Maybe you can start living in the same city again with some of your friends who live far away. Your ties with new people you will meet may suddenly strengthen. However, be aware that there may be some delays. You may have a waiting period to get the results of some of your applications.
5 May we will have a lunar eclipse in Scorpio. During this period, your workplace may downsize. Or some of your colleagues may leave their jobs. If you get a job change opportunity during this period, you can take the opportunity to move to a corporate firm where you will take more responsibility. However, do not jump into an adventure because it will be easier or the financial opportunities will be better. If you are self-employed, you may want to change or close your office. Or you can part ways with the staff you work with. It will be an eclipse that you should also pay attention to your health. In this process, a treatment that has been going on for a while may be finalised. Or, as a result of the examinations, a diagnosis can now be made about your ailment.
After May 2023, you may focus more on spiritual matters until the end of the year. During this period, your partner’s business life may intensify. You are entering a period in which he/she will be luckier in terms of career. For you, the chances will be more in the coming year.
14 October Solar eclipse in Libra will be on the GAD side. Your old relationships may come up again. If you have children, they may move away from you due to education. Avoid risky investments during this period. During this period, if you are taking an education in subjects you are interested in as a hobby, they may have final exams or projects.
28 October we will have a lunar eclipse in Taurus. In these eclipses that have been going on since last year, you may have been more interested in spiritual matters. Some of you may have started to receive therapy. Now you can see the results of these. Your partner may make job changes during this period.
How Gemini will be affected by the 2023 Venus Retrograde
Between 23 July and 4 September, Venus will be retrograde in Leo. There may be coldness in your relations with your siblings, cousins and close circle. If your education life continues during this period, you can take a break. You can go on a journey with your old friends. If you are thinking of buying and selling a vehicle, do a good market research. You may not be satisfied with the agreed figure after the purchase and sale.